Exposure (1/80 sec.) ISO-320 F-stop-f/1.8
Body: Nikon D5200
Lens: 35mm f/1.8g
Above is the original photograph taken by Lukasz Palka and below is my attempt at replicating
the image.
The main difference you can see is that my image is much more zoomed in comparison images and this is because the lens that Palka uses is and ultra wide lens, which then means he is able to capture more of the subject.
When editing on Photoshop I decided to increase the exposure, however in comparison to the original it is still much darker as my photo was shot in an alley way unlike the original which was taken in an open street. Another change I made was adjusting the curves, along with the sliders for whites and blacks as I wanted the whites to appear much more in contrast to the blacks, and this is why the blacks are much more darker in the image.
Similar to the original image I wanted to frame my subject to either left or right, as this would make the image more interesting thus using the rule of thirds, by having the entire subject completely in focus it separates the foreground and the background, which is completely out of focus.