Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Video Installation Pre-Production

Screen Type: Fixed (Mac)
Room: 2SW8
Theme: Order and autonomy, everyone one the screens are all doing the same thing just like machines. The audience is then asked to walk around the room and observe if any of the screens are behaving differently even though none are.

Screen Type: Projection
Room: 2SW6
Theme: Order and autonomy. A dummy is placed in front of the table and sat on a chair, and a face will then be projected on the face of the dummy, in the projection the video will be telling the audience i.e the person sat opposite the desk on how to behave and how to act.

Screen Type: Fixed (Floor)
Theme: Calm and Panic. The video will be projected towards the floor. In that video is two segments, the first part is a person in water, however they appear calm and not in panic, the video will then cut to another video but this time the person is panicking in the water, and this continues.

Screen Type: Fixed (Television/Monitor)
Room: 2SW8
Theme: Calm and Panic. The video will be player on a television. The video itself will be a recording as if it looks like surveillance footage, and within the video an interview is being conducted, throughout it the interviewee is killed exactly where the audience is sat.

Screen Type: Projection
Theme: Identity. The room will be filled with several dummies all wearing different clothes, however the faces will be projected with tv static to show the lack of identity

Screen Type: Fixed (Television)
Theme: Order. The video will contain clips from various films related to military e.g. Full Metal Jacket, and within those clips are orders given and the clips shall all be mixed and jumbled.

Films that could be included:
Full Metal Jacket
Good Morning Vietnam
Apocalypse Now

Hamburger Hill

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